Photo Story - Weaver Family/ Nye Ranch

The Weaver Family have been selling cows since 1999 and ranching for more than they can remember. They have been all over the state originally starting in Brownsmead Oregon to now, Crook County Oregon right outside of a small town called Prineville. They own a beautiful ranch that has been passed down 2 generations, it is called Nye Ranch. There's many things you need to do in order to keep a ranch in tip top shape but it's more important for the animals to be the healthiest and safest they can be. The Weaver family takes their jobs very seriously when it comes to taking care of the animals. This includes vaccinations, branding, and tagging. Vaccinating prevents diseases and airborne illnesses. Most common vaccines for cattle are an immunity shot, BVD , IBR, and a pinkeye prevention. According to Katelynn Weaver, branding and tagging represent the same thing. Both are to differentiate the cattle and the owners to help separate. But branding also makes it harder for cattle to be...